Timber Wolf

Timber Wolf

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Human Behavior

Human Behavior


I have always found the study of human behavior vary exciting.

Games Kids Play

The Shopping Game

While shopping for food, the mother goes to the shelf and gets the items off the shelf and puts them in the basket. She is very careful in selecting the items that the family needs. When she is done with the list, she goes to the check out, with coupons, and the cashier checks out the items. As the final total come up, the mother is shocked, and frustrated. Instead of coming to $100.00, the total comes to $700.00. One of two human behaviors arises from this situation. First, the mother screams and shouts at the casher the casher is wrong and made a big mistake. The second, is this, the mother horrified, walks out of the store, rushes home to unload the groceries, then checks the family budget to see were they can do without. The next week is spent with the mother looking for a full time job, seeing what kind of job her five year old can do, and what tricks the dog needs to learn to end up in a movie.

The reality of all this is quite simple. While shopping, the mother is to busy getting the food for the family, that she dose not notice the five year old putting items in the cart while she is shopping. The solution to the problem is to bring another adult along. So when the mother is shopping, and the child is putting the food into the cart, there is the third person taking the items out of the cart that the child originally put in.

Now, if you have two kids in the cart, you really need another adult with you. While the child sitting in the seat is putting unwanted items into the cart, the child in the cart is getting buried. And the kid in the cart would think that this is fun at first, but after a short while, the cart child will start throwing the items out of the cart, hitting the floor. Just be careful in stores with you break it you buy it policies. Now with three children, one putting items into the cart, one throwing items out of the cart, the third child will step on the item, and watch the contents go all over the floor.

Solution, call a baby sitter. Or better yet, a friend who owes you a favor, or a grandparent, or a relative. If you are still having troubles, plead with them, beg them, take them out to eat, but not with the kids.

Chapter 3

This chapter is a short chapter. It is a well know fact that people do not read books that have all long chapters in them. They start counting pages and always wondering how many pages they still have to read to get through the book. Likewise, all short chapter books have the opposite effect. The reader looks at the chapters and say, “That’s it! Why didn’t they write more.” That is a very common complaint for the short chapter books. That means that there must be variations between chapters. Some chapters must be long, while other chapters must be short. If a writer does not have these different lengths of chapters in their books, then people will become board and not read the book.

That is why I am writing this very short chapter in this book.

Chapter 4

No wait, this chapter is shorter.

Chapter 5

Friday, January 13, 2012

Knife Of Truth

Knife Of Truth


Two of my favorite  books is the Knife Of Truth Series.  The story begins with A Matter Of Honor and continues with Road To Megara.

If you like the C.S. Lewis books The Chronicles Of Narnia and/or J.R.R. Tolkien The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings, then you will like Knife Of Truth series.

Here is the web site for more information about the books and author. http://smatteringsbooks.com/booksAMOH.html

Another site that I like is http://smatteringsbooks.com/index.html It has lots of great information on writing and computer problems. It also has lots of links to free ware to help protect your computer.